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Ana Rimac Smiljanić is a full professor at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split. Her main scientific research interests are financial literacy, real estate markets, and financial markets. She obtained her PhD at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism.





Czesław Adamiak is an adjunct at the Faculty of Earths Sciences and Spatial Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University. His main research interest are within the field of tourism geography, regional development and the application of GIS and big data methods in geography research. His doctoral thesis defended in 2014 was awarded with the Eugeniusz Romer Award for the best doctoral thesis in human geography by the Committee of Geographical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences He is an author or co-author of over 40 publications, including two books and papers in international journals including leading journals in the fields of spatial planning (Landscape and Urban Planning) and tourism research (Annals of Tourism Research).



Agustín Cocola-Gant is FCT Research Fellow at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (IGOT), University of Lisbon. Before joining IGOT, he was Marie Curie Fellow at the School of Geography, University of Leeds. He holds a PhD in Human Geography from Cardiff University and a PhD in Art History from University of Barcelona. His research lies at the intersection of urban and tourism studies and pays particular attention to the short-term rental market, gentrification and tourism-led displacement.




Hamidreza Rabiei is a senior researcher, senior editor and a teaching fellow at the School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy at the University College Dublin and CeADAR (Ireland’s National Centre for AI). Dr Hamidreza Rabiei Dastjerdi completed his PhD in Spatial Planning and Urban Development at the University of Politecnico di Milano, an MSc in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at Tarbiat Modares University and a B.Eng. in Mining Engineering (Exploration) at Yazd University in Iran. His main main scientific research interests are satellite remote sensing, spatial planning, spatial Inequality, spatial econometrics and socio-spatial theory.




Bart Neuts is a Research Expert at Ku Leuven Faculty of Engineering Technology & Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences. Hi obtained PhD in Tourism and Philosophy at Ku Leuven Faculty of Engineering Technology & Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences. His research interests are in field of urban tourism, tourism economics, environmental economics, and externalities.





Blanka Šimundić is an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, University of Split. Her main scientific research is in the field of tourism and economic growth, transportation and infrastructure, regional development and regional policies in Croatia and EU. She has published on perspectives of transport and tourism demand and supply, impacts of tourism on economic growth, health tourism infrastructure, regional resilience and smart specialisation. She is one of the national experts reporting to for the European Policies Research Centre on the regional policy and the assessment of instruments for the less developed areas of the Republic of Croatia. Currently she is involved as a researcher on Horizon 2020 SmartCulTour project (Smart Cultural Tourism as a Driver of Sustainable Development of European Regions).