Five week courses - The Croatian Economy in the Context of EU Policy

The Croatian Economy in the Context of EU Policy

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The first main objective is to train students to understand the key determinants of the Croatian economy, and Croatian long-term economic developments, finally and in the context of the EU. Therefore, second main objective is to broaden students' understanding of the functioning of EU Economic Policies (their meaning, further development, and sustainability) on one side, and on the other side, to achieve competencies in judging business actions of the entities in the Member States under different EU Economic Policies.

Detailed course description is available here.


Professor Željko Mrnjavac, PhD (Lecturer CV and information is available here.)

Associate Professor Lana Kordić, PhD (Lecturer CV and information is available here.)


  • Analyze, identify and critically evaluate theoretical and practical aspects of the functioning of the Croatian economy,
  • Analyze and critically judge the development, implementation, and effects of different EU Economic Policies on the development and competitiveness of EU Member States, as well as the relationships between entities in the Single European Market.
  • Critically judge the historical and political aspects of the development of EU integration and different economic policies.
  • Critically evaluate the consequences of economic policy through identified problems and interdependencies in the structure of the national economy.
  • Critically judge the consequences of economic policy and the activities of individual economic entities in the context of the national economy.
  • Identify the specifics of the Croatian economy in the international context.


  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students:
    Students pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in economics, business, social sciences, technical sciences, or related fields.
  • Graduate Students:
    Graduate students in economics, social sciences, technical sciences, or related fields who wish to expand their expertise in the area.
  • Researchers and Professionals:
    Researchers and professionals in economics, business, or social sciences seeking advanced insights or practical applications.


This FEBT Summer school program offers participants the possibility of going through evaluation process for the purspose of requesting official credit transfers (ECTS).

  • Evaluation process

Participants who wish to acquire 6 ECTS will be evaluated based on the regular and active course attendance and take two mid-term exams (or written final exam) and do up to two individual and/or group tasks.

The goal of the mid-term examps and individual and/or group tasts is to show the necessary ability to understand the key determinants of the Croatian economy, and Croatian long-term economic developments, and in the context of the EU. 


Participants not interested in credit transfer will instead receive the Certificate of Attendence, stating the course completed. These students will be neither evaluated nor graded.