Five week courses - Market Research in the Sports Industry

Market Research in the Sports Industry

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The aim of this course is to equip students with, both, comprehensive understanding as well as the skillset necessary for practical application of market research methods in the context of the dynamic and highly competitive sports industry. From both, theoretical and applied aspects, students will learn key concepts such as consumer behavior, market analyses, sponsorship, branding, and the role of technology, all specific and unique for sports business and sports market research. From an applied perspective, accentuated in this course, they will develop knowledge and skills related to sports market research design, identification and utilization of data sources relevant to the sports industry, data collection, data analyses, and the interpretation of the results.

Detailed course description is available here.


Assistant Professor Jasenko Ljubica, PhD

Lecturer CV and information is available here.


  • Identify key concepts in market research, and apply them in the context of sports and the sports industry,
  • Design and effectively manage sports market research projects,
  • Set appropriate goals of research projects, create appropriate research instruments, and choose effective methods of quantitative and qualitative data collection,
  • Analyze collected quantitative and qualitative data, select and use adequate analytical software tools,
  • Correctly interpret the findings of sports market research and create clear and effective presentations of them.


  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students:
    Students pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate degrees in economics, business, social sciences, technical sciences, or related fields.
  • Graduate Students:
    Graduate students in economics, social sciences, technical sciences, or related fields who wish to expand their expertise in the area.
  • Researchers and Professionals:
    Researchers and professionals in economics, business, or social sciences seeking advanced insights or practical applications.


This FEBT Summer school program offers participants the possibility of going through evaluation process for the purpose of requesting official credit transfers (ECTS).

Evaluation process

Participants who wish to acquire 6 ECTS will be evaluated based on the regular and active course attendance and taking an exam in the form mid-term exam and developing an applied project.

The goal of the exam and project is to show the necessary ability to understand main tools used in market research methods in the sports industry.  


Participants not interested in credit transfer will instead receive the Certificate of Attendence, stating the course completed. These students will be neither evaluated nor graded.